General Category > CD 2011 info

CD Alsager, Cheshire


Please note, these may not be confirmed, and are for your information only. If you live in these areas, it may be worth checking with your own vet to see what the latest information is.

Posted 02/11/11

South Cheshire Ferret Rescue (Jules), One or more ferrets came in from Yorkshire, this is how they think the CD arrived at their rescue.  Swab Tests and standard PM have confirmed CD there.  They lost 47 ferrets to start with, 43 of which had  been vaccinated.  They then had 13 days clear BUT have now had a further outbreak.



Sadly they have now lost all the ferrets, rescues and their own, to this horrendous disease and are now empty.

It is believed that the total is in excess of 120 Ferrets, many of whom were reported to have been vaccinated.

Out thoughts are with Jules  :fuzzyhug: and we wish the dead Ferrets Happy Hunting at the Rainbow Bridge. :angel1:


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