Author Topic: Sweet Dreams Chewit.  (Read 4160 times)

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Sweet Dreams Chewit.
« on: July 22, 2020, 05:52:39 PM »
We had a nasty shock today...  :cry:

Chewit has been a bit down the last couple of days, and we had assumed it was because he knew how things were progressing with his brother, Lion. Last Night, he seemed very "flat", but I woke him for his night-time soup and raw meat, and he got up and went to the bowl as usual. Today, as normal, we let them out to play, which always starts off with everyone running over to where the treats are kept, and begging for one (or three), but he was not interested. This is unheard of, he is normally the ring leader for the group, only being surpassed by the two girls in their determination to make you get up and get them more.

He went out into the garden, but was still acting weird, so Suz picked him up for a cuddle. It was then she noticed his breathing was very laboured… It was like he could not breath in... we rushed him to the vets, where they discovered he had a large tumour on his larynx, which was stopping it from being able to open properly. The vet said that there was nothing they could do, and he would basically asphyxiate very soon, and the kindest thing was to put him to sleep.

To say it was a shock, is an understatement, we both thought it would be a chest infection, and I would be adding him to the list of ferrets currently taking their medication 2x a day, never one to miss out on the chance for a treat!

So I am sitting here stunned, trying to think what to write for a guy who has been a huge larger than life character in our family, while to be honest, I am sitting here feeling very numb.

Chewit came to us at the end of 2016, when he was about 5 months old. He was a BOGOFF with his brother, "No-Lion"! To be fair, it may have been the other way round, as he was the Beenie, and we have always loved Beenies, especially Beenie boys. He took us away from the traditional "Chocolate" theme of names, to start including "Sweets" as well... Chewit could not have been a more fitting name for him, although a lot of the time he was called "Chewy", or "Chewie Lewie".

He was weird about cuddles, preferring to lay beside you, or in a fluffy bed by our feet, but there was a cardigan that Suz would wear in the cooler evenings, and Chewit would always get on the sofa beside Suz, and pull the tails of the cardigan around himself, making a little nest, and spending the entire evening there. He also liked to lay on the cushions in the caravan, by Suz's shoulder.

He was a bit quirky, he would kiss you, with no worries at all, but could not resist biting your hands when the mood took him. He would be all playful, rolling on his back wrestling, then suddenly his eyes would glaze over, and he would start biting harder and harder. We never did manage to stop him from doing this.

Chewit was very close to his brother, but he had a huge soft spot for Reject, and really looked after him, as he was getting older and when he was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer. He would cuddle up to him, and keep him clean.

Chewie always had the softest coat, and was pure white, not the yellow-white most Albino boys are. He was fantastic, and loved going out on the lead. He was always very entertaining when we took him for a walk as he would dash around all over the place, often seeming to forget we were there, then acting all surprised to see us.

He always played the clown, making us laugh a lot, which more than made up for his bad nibbly side. Here is a video of him playing in the Christmas Tinsel with Mars.

Sleeping beside us in the caravan.

Wrecking the mat in the caravan

Catching a nap while out on a walk.

I am lost for words Chewit, I knew we would have to comfort you, when Lion passes away, but you have completely caught me of guard passing away first and so suddenly.

I know ferrets are good at hiding illnesses, but this was just unbelievable. You were still being your normal monster self just a day ago, biting that bit of flesh between the thumb and finger, and dancing off, like it was the best thing in the world. You were helping in the digging of the huge tunnel by the French Windows.

I am going to miss having you lay in my arms on your back, while I vigorously scruffle your back and head, making you lick the air, and do the mega cute paws over the face, and I am definitely going to miss your running round with a treat in your mouth, "Yipping" at anyone who got near you, even though they had their own treats and were not interested in yours.

Have fun at the Rainbow Bridge, back with Reject and Snicker. Please also find a nice spot, ready for when Lion comes up as well.

:angel1: :adore: :cry: Sweet Dreams Chewit. :cry: :adore: :angel1:

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Re: Sweet Dreams Chewit.
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2020, 06:55:10 PM »
So sorry  :cry: DIP Chewy.

Offline girly-lazy-ferret

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Re: Sweet Dreams Chewit.
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2020, 01:18:12 PM »
Chewit, it was such a shock to lose you I didn't reply, but I miss you each day and your crazy dances at me when ever I cleaned the bird bath or did anything.

I’m never sure where to start with these, this is a complete shock, we have recently been told that Lion (Chewits mate) was terminal and to enjoy our time left, so I thought Chewit was sad, picking up on this, but when we rushed him as an emergency into the vets today struggling to breathe we always look on the bright side thinking we will be queuing up the pill bowls,, but no , our choice was let you go to sleep or you suffocate as the vet showed us the growth that was across your airway, about to block it completely, if he operated you would not be able to eat or drink, not really a choice, just completely unexpected.

Where ever there was Chewit, Lion would appear, and where ever there was Lion, a Chewit would appear and it was a case of one would try to be the angel while the other was being devilish.

This lockdown has meant we have had quality time, in Chewits case there have been evening snuggles  there is a specific soft cardigan I wear he loved to move into. And the other day he had a snuggle while I was reading in the garden. Thou it also has it’s downside of you didn’t get a nice long welsh walk, and boy to say you loved them was an understatement, you danced, dooked and played, and were one of the happiest ferrets ever walking around our site in wales, and then having snuggles after.

I’m trying to take heart in he had a fantastic life, walks, garden time, and snuggles if he chose. I will miss him at various points during the day he would curl up on the round bed by my feet, and I could stroke him but no man handling.

Chewit and Lion, Always together.  :angel1: :angel1: :adore: :adore:

I miss you Chewie Louie, definitely a loved life. Keep an eye on us Chew.

Always helpful

Chilling on holiday in the van

Chewit and Lion, Ying and Yang, loved the little bed beside me on the sofa.

Well it had to be done...

« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 01:27:45 PM by girly-lazy-ferret »